faq about Homeopathy - Orlando
Here are a few questions I usually receive regarding homeopathy.
Click on a question below to see the answer.

Q. What is homeopathy? Is it the same as natural remedies like vitamins and herbs?

A. Homeopathy is a 200-year old system of natural medicine that was founded by the German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. It is a specific natural approach to health but does not include vitamins or herbs. If we consider all natural medicine or naturopathy, it includes many disciplines. For example, acupuncture, herbal medicine, chiropractic, massage therapy, nutritional therapy and homeopathy are all specific forms of natural medicine. In short, homeopathy is not a system of medicine that includes all natural medicine but is rather a specific system under the general umbrella of natural medicine. For a description of the basic principles of homeopathy please click on this New Client Info Form Download >>.

Q. You’re a psychologist, how and why did you become involved in homeopathy?

Q. From what are homeopathic remedies made and how are they made? How is that different from herbal remedies?

Q. How long does it take for homeopathic remedies to work?

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